Metropolis Entertainment
Motion, emotion

We conceive and design complete motion simulation attractions for museums, visitor centres and corporate clients.
We produce specialised point of view film content in 2D and 3D as well as acclaimed corporate documentaries and commercials.
With more years’ experience than we care to think about, we figure that by now we know what we’re doing and are happy to provide impartial advice to our clients and potential clients.
Latest News
Red Arrows experience for Aerospace Bristol Museum – more >
Metropolis is delighted to announce that a ten seat capsule simulator featuring its acclaimed ‘Red Arrows experience’ is to be installed at Aerospace Bristol. Opening is scheduled for the 2023 Easter holidays. The exclusive ‘in cockpit’ simulation ride was filmed by...
Metropolis teams with Simworx to address new ‘Flying Theatre’ genre – more >
Metropolis is at the forefront of the rapidly developing genre for ‘Flying Theatres’. These motion based theatres, which have been installed in major cities literally around the world, take visitors on a magic carpet ride over locations for example of geographic...
Products & Services
Film & Video
Recent Projects
Using the very latest mini cam technology, Metropolis can create content like this in even the most hostile and logistically difficult environments. .
Corporate headquarters
Metropolis Entertainment Ltd
The Lodge
East Sussex National Golf Resort & Spa
Little Horsted
East Sussex
TN22 5ES
United Kingdom
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